Australia’s Footpath Safety &
External Trip Hazard Specialists
We proactively remove external trip hazards on paths and external surfaces quickly and cost effectively.
Partner with Safe Footpaths for specialised external trip hazard Inspections, Reports & Repairs.
We use a unique slicing repair method that transforms even the most dangerous path and external surfaces to become more accessible, compliant and safe.
Do it right.....
Prevent incidents & Save money!
We provide a specialised approach to deliver an Australian gold standard. See our services below which we can offer as a full package or individually…

Trip Hazard
One of our fully trained trip hazard inspectors attend your site and identify hazards, measure them and record all data including photos in our proprietary footpath inspection software.

Trip Hazard
We produce a simple to understand trip hazard report with all findings, risk ratings, and repair options so you can make informed repair and maintenance decisions to suit your budget.

Trip Hazard
We remove trip hazards utilising a unique slicing repair method to deliver a compliant, flush & clean repair that minimises the risk of a trip and fall incident & improves accessibility.
Why are Trip Hazard Repairs Important?
Footpaths should be safe and accessible for all. Trips & Falls are the largest cases of personal injury in Australia.
What Causes Trip Hazards?
There are several factors that lead to path and external surface movement that create trip hazard liabilities. Some of these include tree roots, changing seasons, different soil types and a lack of routine maintenance. Take a look at this quick animation video on the right which sums up our objective of proactively preventing trip and fall incidents.

Before vs After
Every concrete and asphalt trip hazard is unique and requires a subtly varied approach when repaired to ensure a DDA compliant, clean and smooth finish. We do these repairs all day, every day and consistently deliver a great outcome.
Take a look at this trip hazard image (use the cursor slider)
On the left, there is an obvious trip hazard with an uneven/raised & dangerous surface. On the right, you can see the greatly improved result of our slicing repair rectification works.
Our market-leading repairs deliver a safe and clean finish with a gradual slope/ gradient for improved accessibility. All this for only a fraction of the cost of replacement and ineffective grinding!
What sets us apart?
Efficient/ Low Impact
Unique Slicing Rectification Method
Compliance Guaranteed
Full Service
Transparent Data/ No Grey Areas
Reliable & Trustworthy
Happy Clients- Always

If you have questions or would like to a free consultation, please complete the brief form on our contact page.